Save Time with Templates
Templates are ready-made home programs you can choose with a single click. Pick from more than 150 customizable templates for specific conditions. Modify to meet your patient’s needs.
Ready to save time?
The largest collection of small animal templates in the world.
Templates for elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, medial patella luxation, osteoarthritis, and the full spectrum of post-operative care (including cruciate injuries, fractures, and MPL) at different stages of healing including acute, subacute, chronic, and return to activity.
Templates for all stages of recovery for brachial plexus injury, IVDD, FCE, and chronic diseases including DM. Each template includes assistive devices such as anti-slip paw wear, toe-ups, orthotics, slings, and carts.
Templates for all post operative stages of healing for complete and partial amutations. For partial amputations, use of prosthetics includes sensory reintegration, donning/doffing, functional use, and therapeutic exercises.
Muscle Injuries
Templates for biceps brachii tenosynovitis, carpal hyper extension, gracilis myopathy, iliopsoas strain, medial shoulder instability, and supraspinatus injury. Templates include plans for all phases of healing including acute, subacute, chronic, and return to activity.
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Templates for orthotics and prosthetics include the full spectrum of interventions from device introduction to functional strengthening exercises. Introduction videos include operant conditioning demonstration and instruction for positive pairing of the device to the limb.
Sports Conditioning
Templates for athletes including agility, conformation, flyball, running, SAR, therapy dog. Templates are also available from the book Canine Cross Training, Building Balance, Strength, and Endurance on Your Dog.
Ready to Save Time?
With a free trial, you gain full access to over 800 videos and 150 templates without any committment, allow you to save time today.